07.02.2025 – 03.07.2025
Joint IMPRS Lecture series
Schedule of lecture series in the summer semester 2025... mehr
Keynote Seminar Series, Talk of Pascale Cossart
How we raised a bacterium to the rank of a model system: the Listeria paradigm mehr
VBIO "Coordinating Research"
Softskill Seminar mehr
Keynote Seminar Series, Talk of Saskia Hogenhout
Unveiling the intricate mechanisms governing plant interactions with sap-feeding insects mehr
20.01.2025 – 22.01.2025
Life Science Campus: Invitation: Special Talk
Prof. Sabine Hildebrandt - 22.01.2025, 16:00 at Lecture Hall, MPI-Psychiatry mehr
Keynote Seminar Series, Talk of Mathias Schmidt
Nature vs. Nurture: Shaping Stress Resilience mehr
Invitation to talk by Fabien Medvecky, Australian National University
Gene technology for the Environment: New Zealander’s Views, Hopes and Concerns mehr
Keynote Seminar Series, Talk of Nico Blüthgen
Recovery of species interaction networks in a tropical rainforest mehr
Keynote Seminar Series, Talk of Mekayla Storer
Hyaluronic Acid Networks and Emergent Tissue Mechanics Orchestrate Digit Tip Regeneration“ mehr
Keynote Seminar Series 2024/2025
„Disturbance“ mehr
"Metabolic regulation of alternative splicing in Alzheimer's disease"
Larissa Traxler, UC San Diego mehr
Keynote Seminar Series, Talk of Lauren Sumner-Rooney, 10.07.2024, at 12:00
"Distributed visual systems: what can we learn from spiders?" mehr
Keynote Seminar Series, Talk of Peter Hegemann, 05.06.2024, at 12:00
"Novel Sensory Photoreceptors" mehr
Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024 um 18 Uhr
"Erfolgreich im Job – auch ohne Doktortitel" mehr
23.04.2024 um 16:00 Uhr – 30.04.2024 um 00:00 Uhr
Munich Psychiatry Lecture Series (MPLS) talk on 23rd April 2024
Prof. Sarah Garfinkel - Clinical Affective Neuroscientist / Professor at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, U.K. mehr
17.04.2024 um 17:00 Uhr
TOMORROW: TRR274 External Seminar Series
Prof. Dr. Jon D. Laman hosted by Thomas Korn mehr
18.03.2024 um 13:00 Uhr
40th Anniversary Lecture Series "Horizons 20XX"
"The immune system of bacteria: Beyond CRISPR" on Monday, March 18 at 13:00 mehr
Cancer Biology Seminar Series
Wieland lecture halll (Chemistry Campus) mehr
23.11.2023 13:00 Uhr – 14:00 Uhr
LMU Munich Faculty of Biology Keynote Seminar Series
invitation to lunch with upcoming speaker Buzz Baum mehr
18.07.2023 um 15:00 Uhr
SyNergy Seminar:"Building and rebuilding long-distance circuitry in the mammalian CNS – lessons from development"
Vibhu Sahni Brain and Mind Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medicine, New York, NY, USA mehr